So, we played Ithica League of Womens Rollers, A/travel team the Suffer Jetts. We opened to a fully packed arena in the Williston School's Hockey Arena. We think we had around 550 ( last years local season opener as I best recall had 350). So far doing good.
We moved our sport court to their location, which was a hockey rink that was thawed and had astro-turf laid on it. If you have ever ran along the beach in the wet sand....that is what skating on this was like! You would give a good push, but the floor would absorb all your energy. Half way through warm ups I was already feeling the shin splints. But I knew all my teammates were in the same boat as me.keep going!
Whistle blows.....we flail. at the end of the half time we have somewher around 28 points, Ithica 116.
Regroup. that's me as pivot below...
I don't know what kind of awesome bonding happened with our teammates in the locker room in that half time, but we came back with the fury of 1000 dragons (I got that off my birthday cd from Davey Jones). At the end of the second half the WMD's arose to have 103 with the Ithica Sufffa Jetts at 164. So basically my team, the WMD's came up nearly 80 points since the half and Ithica only cane up 48. We techinally won the second half. Yes, we still lost, and you know what...I don't care. My team for all it's newness, pulled itself together and had the absolute BEST attitude all the way through.
I was so amazingly proud of us and what we did together. I played with women that I had not had the priveledge of playing with before. Found crazy Pivot skills in Coors Lightening and was really WOW'd by our newest jammer prodigy Wanda Hurtu. and our Captain, Clam Jammer who both had several Grand Slam Jams!!!Yep, that's me!
Come see us in a few weeks! It promises to be great and will probably sell out. Get your tickets early!
and check out Chewbecca getting the word out about our upcoming flea market!!!
That's all for now!
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