Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New year for the new league

So much has happened in the past few months. Yes, we meant to blog weekly, and I meant to have a different team mate write each blog. Who knew they were shy about writing for the public? Really? They all have Facebook and some even Twitter accounts.
So, in the weeks that have passed, we had our pictures taken and got our website up and running.
PLEASE bombard our site with hits so we start to show up in the Google searches.

So, since the girls won't talk about themselves and what is important to them, I will mention a girl each week and tell you a little about her. This week I am going to feature Meryl Creep:
Creep is a newly turned jammer. Meaning she was an awesome blocker then all of the sudden she found these miraculous jamming skills.
She likes puppies, motorcycles and whiskey. Can't be stopped by a booty block and lives to call off the jam just as the other jammer is getting ready to score.

You can meet Creep and the rest of the Pair O' Dice City Rollers at the POD City v/s Long Island Roller Rebel Scrimmage at Interskate 91 in Wilbraham, MA, Sunday, February 19th. 7:00 sharp.
All the proceeds will benefit a local charity (we are currently deciding on).